Patients hear the phrase “root canal” and they often automatically fear the worst. Root canals have gotten a bad reputation over the years, but the truth is that a root canal is often needed to save an infected tooth, and promote overall oral health. If left untreated, you could experience pain in the area, and the tooth itself may have... read more »
If you're about to undergo wisdom tooth surgery in Evanston, Wyoming, good for you! You're about to improve your oral health. Now remember: after your treatment, it's important to properly recover. Otherwise, you can experience complications that can harm your smile. To help you recover, Drs. Stosich, Viehweg, Brown, and Walker have some helpful tips for you. First, stop the... read more »
Treating your smile includes being prepared for anything that life throws your way. Although you can prepare for accidents, they still remain just that, accidents, and in most cases cannot be fully prevented. If an oral accident should occur, seek out help from your dentist as soon as possible. Listed below are a few kinds of oral emergencies and their... read more »
Are you ready for your tooth extraction? As with most dental treatments, you should plan ahead and take the necessary steps to ensure the optimal recovery time is possible. The more you are prepared, the better off the recovery will be. With tooth extractions, it’s important to prepare your style for any changes that may occur. One particular change you... read more »
If you have a root canal treatment quickly approaching, you must have a lot of questions. Well, you are not alone and you’ve come to the right place to find out more. Root canal treatment, which is also known as endodontic therapy, is a beneficial treatment that can restore your oral health and repair your aching, decayed, and infected tooth.... read more »
Root canal therapy is required for any damage that is sustained to your pulp within your root canal. If left untreated, damage to your pup will destroy your tooth and potentially inflict life-threatening disorders upon the body due to serious infections. To prevent this from occurring, and to save the tooth, a root canal therapy is needed. The pulp within... read more »
Are you feeling pain or discomfort from your mouth and suspect that a tooth is to blame? If so, you probably have a toothache. Remedies for toothaches depend on the damage involved. If your toothache persists, you could be at a high risk for infection and serious problems not only with your teeth but your overall health. A toothache is... read more »
Protect your teeth from oral health risks in all their forms. Your teeth could be damaged from oral accidents and injuries or could wear down over time due to tooth decay. No matter that hazards your mouth is faced with, there are various habits and health risks you should be aware of. Your teeth can easily be chipped or cracked... read more »
Do you have any missing teeth? Are you in line for a tooth extraction in the near future? Would you like to ensure that your jaw will remain strong with a full smile? Replace your lost teeth with effective treatments such as dental implants. Dental implants work by installing a natural-looking tooth replacement directly into the void left behind. They... read more »
Are you in need of a root canal? A root canal is a treatment exclusively used to fix or protect a tooth that has suffered irreversible damage to their pulp within the root canal of a tooth. The pulp is the life-force of a tooth, as it contains the important nerve endings, connective tissues, and blood vessels for the tooth.... read more »