Many people get braces on their teeth. Conventional braces use brackets and wires to move teeth into proper alignment. Often, people get braces when they are young, since their jaws are still growing and it is easy to realign their bites. However, many adults are also opting to straighten their smiles.
Improperly aligned teeth can cause a number of problems, including issues with your jaw or gums, problems speaking or eating properly, and damaged or lost teeth.
Once you have your new braces, you will still need brush and floss your teeth to keep them healthy. You should avoid hard, tough and sticky foods to avoid damaging your braces, and you should talk to the doctor to learn what you should do if you do happen to damage your braces.
If you would like to find out more about improving your alignment, our doctor, Dr. Nathan Lester can help. If you would like to schedule an appointment at Wyoming Dental Specialties in Evanston, Wyoming, call phone to plan your visit.