When we think about replacing missing teeth, we may want to do so in order to approve our appearance. You may feel self-conscious about your lost teeth, and you may have gotten tired of finding ways of concealing your smile.
Aside from the cosmetic issues, there are very important reasons for filling in the gaps in your smile. Missing teeth give your remaining teeth room to shift, and may cause problems for your bite. Those empty spaces in your bite will give plaque and bacteria places to accumulate and breed, and lost teeth will lead to a loss of bone mass in your jaw.
Dental implants are a great way to replace your missing teeth. Natural-looking tooth replacements are placed on titanium posts that are implanted directly into your jaw. Not only does this keep your new teeth in place and your other teeth from shifting, but the bone in jaw will grow around the implants, securing them and strengthening your jawbone. Your implants can be brushed and flossed just like your normal teeth.
It takes two operations to place dental implants. You need to have healthy gums and enough jawbone to support the implants, and you must be willing to follow the dentist’s instructions regarding postoperative care and follow-up visits. Since certain medical conditions (including pregnancy) and medications can cause problems for your implants, you need to discuss your medical history with your dentist before moving ahead with the procedure. Tobacco use will slow the healing process after your implants have been placed, and can cause gum disease which can put your implants at risk.
If you are interested in dental implants, our dentist, Dr. Nathan Lester will be happy to meet with you for an examination and consultation. To make an appointment at Wyoming Dental Specialties in Evanston, Wyoming, call 307-789-5608 for an appointment.