There are interesting obstacles in life that require creative thinking. For instance, what do you eat when you cannot chew for a time or need to eat all of your food through a straw? While it may seem strange, this is a common situation for many oral surgery patients.
All oral surgeries require different recovery times. For example, having your wisdom teeth removed requires you to eat soft foods for seven to 10 days. However, in a more severe example of a malocclusion that requires jaw surgery, you may need to have your jaw wired shut for up to 6 weeks. This means that you will need to sip all of your food through a straw during your recovery. This can be difficult, as you cannot physically drink some foods. The solution? Liquefy the solid foods to help you get more variety and nutrients.
When you have to liquefy your food, it’s best to invest in a high-powered blender. Then, you can get creative with adding new liquefied foods to your list of soft foods to eat. Some of these foods include:
-Soups of every kind
-Breakfast pancakes and cereals like cream-of-wheat or oatmeal
-Meatloaf and some casseroles
-Mashed potatoes and gravy
-Scrambled eggs, and sunny-side puree
-Applesauce or fruit puree
-Baby food
-Macaroni and cheese
-Milkshakes, smoothies, yogurt, ice cream
-Ramen noodles
Our doctors and team would be happy to give you more information and advice as to what you can eat after your oral surgery. Please contact Wyoming Dental Specialties at 307-789-5608 or stop by our dental office in Evanston, Wyoming, to speak with our friendly team.